There are two types of stockcars. There are the stockcars and the mini stocks. The stockcars are bigger and more powerful. The mini stockcars are smaller and less powerful, and their motors aren't as expensive as the stockcars.
The stockcars are the A-Grade stockcars and the mini stockcars are the B-Grade stockcars.
There are ten laps at the Stratford Speedway, but at the other stockcar racing events there are twenty-five laps. At the championship they have twenty-five laps as well. There are twelve laps in the team racing and twelve in the Taranaki Champs. On the third to last lap it is the last lap, not the second to last lap. On the final lap a white flag comes out and then the lap after that a chickened flag comes out and the lead car wins after he crosses the line.
They have bumpers because they protect the motor and the chassis. Stockcars are made out of metal. They have bumpers because it is a contact sport and to push other cars out of the way.
The car wheels have wheel guards which are removable so they can change the wheels if they need to.
I wonder what stockcars will hold in the future? Maybe Scott Williams N.Z. No.1!

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